Friday, October 21, 2011

7 interview pet peeves

As you all know, I have been searching for a part-time design assistant for the past month. I started interviewing applicants this past week and let's just say that I was a little disappointed by how a few of them presented themselves.

Here are my interview pet peeves:
  1. Please give me the same courtesy that you would give to a large agency because my time is valuable too. If you are running late, please call. I know that unexpected things can happen that you have no control over, such as hitting a duck or raccoon on the road (I'm serious, I live in the country) but call me and let me know you will be late.
  2. When you do finally arrive, please don't tell me the reason you are late, especially if you overslept and it's 3:00 in the afternoon! This is not a good first impression!
  3. I don't expect you to wear a suit but do look presentable. That means no torn jeans, t-shirts or bare body parts showing. Yes, I do admit I wear flip flops in the summer but I always look presentable because I have clients and vendors visiting from time to time.
  4. And please don't come to any interview reeking of smoke or worse yet, strong cologne covering the smoke smell! I'm not a smoker and I honestly don't think I could work with someone that smelled of smoke or expose my clients to that. Sorry, but it's the truth!
  5. I'm asking questions because I want to find out how you solve problems, what you are passionate about and overall, how you work. So when I ask why you chose that font, color or the concept behind the design, please don't answer with "I don't know" because that doesn't tell me anything!
  6. Be proud of your work! The pieces in your portfolio should be your best pieces. If you aren't proud of them, how can I even like them. And how can I be sure that you would be proud of Marigold's work!
  7. Be curious and ask questions because that shows you are interested in working with Marigold or any other company to which you are applying at. You can ask me anything—well, almost anything!
And remember to mail out a thank-you note after the interview. If you don't have a stamp or card, a simple thank-you email will do. It's a simple gesture that means a lot and leaves a good impression!

These are my biggest pet peeves when interviewing. What are yours? Please share because I would love to know!

Thank you for your time!


  1. OMG!!! I hear you loud and clear. Unfortunately it seems to be a sign of the times with so many people these days!! Whether one is trying to hire a new worker or you are looking to find a supplier to work on your car or do repairs around the home! Called 3 roofers for a quote last week. One has called back, given me a quote but has shown up late 2 times now. One has said they will send an estimator but has not called and the third has not even called back!
    I have enjoyed your timely post Maryanne.
    Have a good weekend......


  2. I have the same problem, Pat! I have called different people for quotes on projects around the studio and they totally ignored my calls and emails. Apparently, they don't need the work! And they lost a possible new client!
