Flowers comfort me and make me happy. I love their shapes, textures, colors and wonderful fragrance—I can't imagine my life without them. My back patio is surrounded by flower beds and it's where I go when I need to escape from the demands of work or life in general.
Today was one of those days when I needed the comfort of my flowers. One of my very dear friends passed away this week after battling cancer for the past year and today was her funeral. If anyone has ever lost a friend or loved one, you know how difficult it is to say "goodbye". I can not even begin to imagine what the next few months will be like without my dear friend. My only relief is knowing that she is no longer in pain and is finally at peace but that still doesn't make it any easier.

So today, I escaped to my patio sanctuary for a little while where I sat among my flowers—to be comforted and just to think and remember...