Sunday, March 3, 2013

finding treasures...

Winter is long in Ohio and by February, I'm ready for spring to arrive. A few weeks ago, we decided to take a day trip, hunting for treasures at various antique malls close to home, in Painesville. It was exactly what I needed! 
Our first stop was the Craft and Antique Co-op. I found this golf print hidden behind some old crocks. It was in a hideous plastic frame but the colors and graphics caught my eye and it was only $4.99. I knew once it was in a better frame, it would be perfect for my husband's man's cave—the basement. This is what it looks like now after I reframed it. It's hanging in the landing on the stairs going to the man's cave and it looks beautiful there!
Our next stop was the Miscellaneous Barn with three buildings to explore! I was so excited when I came across a whole aisle filled with silver platters. These are the ones I bought [shown above] for a total price of $20. I have no idea what to do with them besides painting a few with chalk board paint to use for our summer wine and cheese gatherings. AND then as I turned a corner, I saw this table [below] sitting all by itself in the aisle. 
It was love at first sight! I knew I would find a place for it somewhere in our home. And it's a Drexel Heritage, Made in the USA, so I couldn't pass it up.
I love the shape of the top and pedestal [above] with all the distressing. 
And I found the perfect spot for it in the master bedroom [above]. I absolutely love it—a beautiful treasure + addition to our home!

Have you found any special treasures recently? Please share!

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